Resumen 2: Carreteando!!!
After seeing my dad off, I spent a few days in Santiago with my good friend Felipe, who was home for summer (yep, January is the smack middle of Summer break!). We had a great time, hitting up a few bars and discos, hanging out at his place watching after his younger sister, and playing PlayStation & trying to keep out of the smoggy summer Santiago heat. This was a mere weekend before the run-off elections for president between Michelle Bachelet (woman, socialist) and Sebastian Piñera (billionaire, conservative), so there were several huge campaign events in the city, including speeches at La Moneda (kind of like the White House...).

We ordered a few Escudos at a really sweet bar called Entrelatas (literally 'Between Cans') which is completely decorated with can-art and blacklights!

Yeah, we had a good time!
By the next weekend I was back in La Serena enjoying the perfect coastal summer weather. That Sunday was the run-off election, which Bachelet won by ~7%, becoming the first woman president in South America. She won the vote in every region except one (there are 13 regions total), and cleaned up in the La Serena-Coquimbo area, raking in over 60% of the votes there. The victory parties were out of control!! I have never seen so many people parading around town, honking their horns, waving their flags and joyfully celebrating an election result in my life! Eventually, a few thousand people (myself included) converged on La Plaza de Armas (central square) to dance, sing, and listen to speeches. The party was a sight to see...all ages waving flags & chanting, etc. And what's better, it is illegal to sell alcohol on election day, so the entire crowd was in complete control & it never felt unsafe. Afterward, I went with a few friends to the la Serena headquarters of the Socialist Party, where they were celebrating with a few (dozen) bottles of pisco and wine (I guess the alcohol ban doesn't apply to free liquor!). I had to leave around 2 a.m. to rest up for work the next day, but all of my friends stayed until at least 5! Wild! I had the time of my life discussing political theory with Chilean Socialist Party members over several pisco sours!

Me, Guille, and Lorena celebrating Bachelet's victory at La Plaza de Armas!

Vamos Bachelet! Vamos Chile!!!
Hi dude!
Happy Thanksgiving...
yesterday I went to the "FULBRIGHT Thanksgiving Luncheon"...
Today we went to a National Park and I met Laura... and sent you greetings.
See you soon bro!
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